Saturday, April 16, 2022

Of Easter and the Conflict in Karamoja Today

WHAT a week! A holy week. It is that sacred period that Bible believers celebrate in remembrance of Jesus’ resurrection from the tom after a miraculous three days of his crucifixion.  

Christians believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross on behalf of everyone on earth; including those who betrayed and killed him. His death was to wash away our sins and allow us have renewed life free from wickedness. A vivid account of this can be found in the books of Mathew 28, Mark 16 and Luke 24.

It was Mahatma Gandhi who summarized the events of Easter as that time when, “a man who was completely innocent, offered himself as a sacrifice for the good of others, including his enemies, and became the ransom of the world".

Certainly, Easter period serves to animate Christians globally and to allow them develop renewed hope and faith in the face of sin believing strongly that victory is conceivable.  Thus, we must celebrate despite the challenges of; war, diseases, hunger, hatred, betrayal and sin that have bedeviled our societies. We must stick to the believe that victory is coming and that sin, bleakness shall dwindle.

**********                         **********                             **********                               *********    True is that today we live in an unpredictable time full of unusual occurrences. For us from Karamoja, every day is worth celebrating and giving thanks to the almighty because the current spate of insecurity there has seen our people lose lives and livestock on a daily basis. This hurts our people deeply because livestock is their main source of survival, and the deaths simply break hearts. 

Well, we shouldn’t lose hope but share our pains with God this holy week aware that he never fails and that the devil will not succeed.

Indeed, Satan is trying hardest to drug us into dirt; to frustrate our unity; We shouldn’t allow this. As Karamoja people, we can support government to help us eliminate the conflict but pointing fingers and promising hell for one another won’t help.

I repeat, the biggest problem of Karamoja is nothing but, hunger.  The unreliable rainfalls make it difficult to count on crop growing in Karamoja. Livestock is everything for the Karamojong and they need protection for these animals (cattle, donkeys, sheep, goats) to secure their future.  

Several attempts by NGOs and GoU to forge alternatives for cattle in Karamoja through multimillion dollar projects have failed and may never work if they don't focus on the real needs of these people. Failure to create livestock security at household will always make the Karamojong people feel insecure, thus risking their lives to go for raids just as they get hurt by the armed Turkana who enter our country and drive off livestock from the Karamojong.

Thus, a solution to the insecurity problem requires fixing permanently the food problem. Leaders should direct their efforts to supporting restocking, multiplication and protection of  animals in Karamoja. Without animals, life in Karamoja remains bleak.