Saturday, January 28, 2012


I have a friend who owns this day. Simon owns Fridays. He sees it, feels it, smells it come with love, if the twelfth month of a year was the sixth day of the week, then Simon’s Christmas celebrations would be there every week. He tells me the day is purely for thorough happiness...I hope so.

People are so early as usual for work! No hangover?...I think yesterday wasn’t any big day in Uganda. Not significant at all because if it were like Independence Day, Christmas, the 1st of Januaries etc people would have hangovers and a day like this would be lazy. Why? Because Ugandans love to drink, to party, to dance etc. Again, I hope the 26th day of Januaries since 1986 is a considerable one to Ugandans.

5:30PM and the tour starts; as usual with my 2x2 Chinese wheel ride. When you are in Moroto, two places are popular for being well populated and cosmopolitan if you need.
These are; Campswahili and Kakoliye; My destination for today is Kakolye although I dissect Campshwahili to get there, my interest is on Kakolye.

There is a small market-like place in Kakolye called Nabatua. If you are keen like I am, you will discover very unique things here. From the Turkana men and women eating 100% raw meat to the bad boys haggling for weed. From drunken mothers galloping more local brew, to hungry children gathering little drops of food that their eyes can see.

The most interesting thing about Nabatua is again its location...near the seasonal river bank; the place is too dirty, so dirty that the stench of the human droppings overshadows that of the meat being smoked. But wait! This is Karamoja, other places are still waiting for us...we need to take one journey to development, Amen.

My time at home is here, and I change to high speed gear. After 10 mins, am home again. Water should be first, supper and coffee then to this wooden table where I start to chew the cards as my INSPIRON takes charge of digestion.

Trust me, tonight I will take early rest and rest longer because tomorrow belongs to me alone. It’s a one man’s weekend and office can wait till Monday. So I’ll just watch, read and listen to local, national and global news. I will not give it to INSPIRON mini. I’ll make a comprehensive amalgamation on Sabbath day.