Wednesday, May 21, 2014


LORD. This is not true. It is not fair. I cannot hold it. It is too harsh. It’s too painful and; it is too much. I cannot hold it, if am wrong then tell me and teach me. Teach me. Teach me lord. Teach me how to live like a husband. Lord, teach me the good ways of a father. A father whose daughter must look up to. A man, whose faith will never be washed away by whatever forces of this world, I want to be a father whose plans are family plans. Lord, this dream was not true.
Reader, there is a time in our lives when we must admit the truth and seek the almighty his word of advice. I think today, this morning, this 4:30 am moment, is my time. Without hesitating, I admit that my faith, my commitment to the Lord has of recent developed legs. Who will rescue me now?  My faith yes has flown off to the dogs. Who will join me in this urgent Marathon destined to catch up with the hungry, wild dogs? The mongrels have taken away my allotments. My share of the warranted service to my creator. Who will run by me? How shall I get this back?
“It’s good to always pray”, one of my Facebook friends observed just yesterday in a comment to one of my humble posts. I think Bosco’s point is crystal clear. It is pretty right. Humanity ought to observe it and witness it sincerely!
Friend, I have woken up from one of the most aching dreams of my life. Here it is: I placed my Family (wife and daughter) inside an apartment up one of the flats walling a re-known street in that town. It’s a town in the dream whose name didn’t come through anyway.
When I got out for a casual tour of the environment around the Estate, a casual interaction on phone resulted to a small disagreement with my beloved wife. The disagreement was that casual and truly not worth anything that can separate ribs. She did not cry that she will not see me again. In fact, she wanted me back in the room for a quick solution and a clear future plan for the day.
When I turned back to go and meet her, the structures of the building where my angles remained changed. I saw a different building at the spot where my family remained. My eyes could not locate the wall-street where I placed my sweeties. My sister’s (I call my wife sister) mobile was not going through. Surprisingly, I could locate the apartments of my immediate neighbors within the flat. Indeed in this dream, more than five neighbors led me to the location of my own apartment within the flat without success. The dream took me out of this flat. Out to the streets.
Have you ever run all over town looking for the most important thing in your life? I was running looking for my beautiful two. I was looking for the street where the flat and the apartment I left them in was located. Reader, I did’nt locate my friends. My sister and my daughter were out of my reach in this stupid dream. When I woke up, it was 4:30am here in Moroto, and the wall clock was making a seemingly deliberate loud clicking.
At this moment, a common practice of committed faithless creatures dawned on me like an abrupt raindrops in the desert. I rushed down on my knees saying too many words of prayer to the man I seem to be relaxed to always give prays. After begging him in some quick melodic words, I remembered an old Bible my sister used to read when she had a stomach. She had left it behind (for me in our house) when she joined Campus.
Here I read: “When the Lord brought us back from Jerusalem, it was like a dream. How we laughed, how we sang for joy! Then the other nations said about us, “the Lord did great things for them” indeed he did great things for us, how happy we were! Lord make us prosperous again, just as the rain brings water back to the dry riverbeds. Let those who wept as they planted their crops gather their harvest with joy!” Psalms 126.
The quote is from my sister’s old Bible.  I will buy a new Bible for our home today.  Already, we’ve agreed on this via a phone discussion where this threatening dream was topic. My wife is happy for me on the spiritual plan. She is regretting and cursing the dream, and we are looking for a spiritual advisor and family mentor. Where should we find one at no fee within this world?